Hello World!

Welcome to my personal webpage. Here, you’ll find information about my professional career and other topics that interest me.

If you’re interested in learning more about my career and work experience, please refer to Profile. To find out more about my research topics and groups I’m affiliated with, as well as my list of publications, check out my Research page. If you’d like to see my awards, honors, and prizes, head to the Awards section. In the teaching section, you’ll find my teaching materials and information on how to book a conversation with me.

If you’re interested in the projects I’m leading or collaborating with, please check the PAD-UFES website and my lab’s website.

If you’re looking for opportunities to work with me or want to have look at my current and former students, please check the Students page.

Lastly, in the blog area, I share my thoughts, tutorials for my students, and other related content. Most of the posts are written in Portuguese because my primary audience is Brazilian.

Some Good News 📰

  • Sept 2024: Padtech is a finalist of Inoves Prize 2024. Check the results here.
  • Aug 2024: We got two new fundings from FAPES (~160k/2y) to keep the Padtech working and start the AMAMENTA project 🎉
  • Jun 2024: I was in Brasilia to present our project to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, which is funding it. Check the news here.
  • Mar 2024: We got a paper accepted in the Neural Computing and Applications journal. Check it here.
  • Jan 2024: I got two new funds from ICEPi (~80k/1y) and CNPq (~1.5M/3y) to keep the development of CAD systems for skin lesion diagnosis 🎉
  • Oct 2023: Our work is one of the finalist in the Webmedia LF Prize. Check the paper describing the SADE system.
  • Sep 2023: I gave a talk on the Datasets through the L👀king-Glass webinar about the PAD-UFES-20 Dataset. The talk is available here
  • Jul 2023: The patent related to heart rate detection using Galaxy Watch 4 and 5 has been made public
  • Jun 2023: Another paper, developed along with my Samsung colleagues, has been accepted in the ICASSP 2023
  • Feb 2023: My new paper, developed along with my Samsung colleagues, has been accepted in the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • Nov 2022: I, along with Prof. Thiago Oliveira and Prof. Filipe Mutz, got funding from FAPES to build a health research lab at UFES
  • Sep 2022: We got a new funding from FAPES for PAD-UFES project
  • Jul 2022: The ICEPi incubator is going to finance our PAD-UFES project
  • Jun 2022: I joined UFES as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics
  • Mar 2022: I got the silver award at the Samsung Best Paper Award (SBPA 2021) in the Bio & Health track! 🎉🎉🎉
  • Oct 2021: I got a new paper accepted at the BMVC 2021. Check our paper page here
  • Mar 2021: Check my new paper in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • Fev 2021: Have a look at my new paper accepted in ICCASP 2021
  • Aug 2020: For portuguese readers: veja reportagem sobre minha pesquisa no jornal A Gazeta e no da UFES
  • Jul 2020: Our paper about OOD detection got the best paper award at ISIC @ CVPR 2020 🎉🎉🎉
  • July 2020: I joined Samsung Reserach as an Artificial Intelligence Researcher Specialist
  • Oct 2019: I got a paper accepeted for NeurIPS @ Retrospective workshop. You can check it here
  • Aug 2019: I got the 3rd place at ISIC challenge 2019. Have a look at the description paper here